Handmade jewelry inspired by Nature | Free shipping worldwide


About Us

I want you to join us for a walk through our favorite corners of the Sierra de Guadarrama, a beautiful mountain range in the center of Spain, and we will tell you about the beginnings of our adventure at Botania and how my sister and I have come to do what we do. Come with us.

My name is Lorena. I have brought you to this hill so you can see the Cercedilla valley. Behind us stands the mountain range of the Seven Peaks and the Navacerrada pass. Behind that mountain lies the beautiful Peñalara lagoon. There are countless places full of nature, beauty, and history that populate the mountains where we live. For many years, my sister and I have been walking through them on long walks where we discover surprising new little pieces of nature: The majesty of its tall and ancient pine forests, the dense carpets of ferns, the little mushrooms nestled among them, the magnificent surprise of finding a new flower among the rocks, the whisper of a stream in spring, and of course, the flight of butterflies enjoying so much beauty. I think you are beginning to understand why we do what we do.

I am Paola. Several years ago, I joined my sister’s project to contribute my ideas, my way of working, and of course, all my enthusiasm. I am the one who makes the jewelry you see in our store a reality. Materializing an idea is not easy, but I can assure you that when it is achieved, the feeling of satisfaction is indescribable. After so many years of meticulously caring for each new creation, I can assure you that creating beautiful jewelry is easy. The hard part is creating it with soul. And that’s what all our jewelry has: A little piece of the soul of our Mother Nature so that it always goes with you. Respect for nature and the ability to testify to the need to care for it are the two foundations upon which we build this wonderful adventure called Botania Jewelry.

Let’s walk down to the stream and head to the Valsaín valley. I’m sure we’ll find many mushrooms among the ferns! We only pick them in the moors where they abound, taking only what is absolutely necessary so as not to disturb the ecosystem. Look! The banks of the Lozoya are full of daisies! Maybe we can gather a few to make new pendants. Caring for nature is today more than a mandate, a necessity. Our forests need us. They remind us of what we once were through their message of harmony, balance, and peace. What we will become is determined by our ability not to detach ourselves from them.

Returning to our home with the certainty of having taken small treasures that nature gifted us for future creations fills us with hope and joy. Starting the production chain by putting all our love into each step of the process fills us with pride. Seeing a new sphere completed, condensing so much work that began back in the mountains, drives us to do even better. In the end, receiving your sincere thanks and your kindest blessings for treasuring so much beauty in your hands gives meaning to what we do. Thank you very much for being there, and for having accompanied us on this journey that ends here. Or, even better, make it continue forever by making one of our beautiful creations your own.

With love,
Lorena and Paola.

Handmade jewelry inspired by Nature | Free shipping worldwide

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