Handmade jewelry inspired by Nature | Free shipping worldwide

Drying Process


If you wish to preserve some invaluable petals from the bridal bouquet or keep flowers in honor of a loved one and put them in a pendant, there are several options for drying and preserving the flowers you’re interested in. You have various ways to preserve these flowers and maintain their sentimental value for a long time.

We have selected the easiest but most efficient ways to quickly dry flowers.

First and foremost, we want to give you some crucial tips to ensure that the flowers dry perfectly:

• Air drying is ideal for bouquets or sturdy plants, such as roses, long-lasting lavender species, or other small and resilient flowers.

• Microwave drying is ideal for preserving the structure and color of flowers. Plants like roses, tulips, daisies, or chrysanthemums are perfect for microwave drying.

• Use unique alternative preservation techniques when dealing with delicate plants and flowers, like lilies. Pressing is always the best method.

• Don’t let the flowers dry for too long. Otherwise, you’ll lose those flowers and mature petals, as they tend to decline immediately.

Now that you know our most valuable tips for drying flowers, it’s time to move on to the various options we recommend:

NOTA: Estos métodos de secado, los puedes poner en secciones como en Faqs: https://botaniajewelry.com/faqs/

Drying Flowers Naturally

Let’s start with the most traditional way of drying flowers, also the natural method: air drying. Although it might take a bit longer, this process allows preserving the flowers naturally, without the need for additional tools or products. When drying flowers in the air, they are allowed to gradually lose their water content while maintaining their shape and color.

Select fresh and undamaged flowers:

– Remove lower leaves and any extra stems.

– Group the flowers in small bunches and tie them with a rubber band.

– Hang the bunches upside down in a warm, dry place.

– Let the flowers dry completely for a couple of weeks or more until they feel uniformly dry.

– Once dry, remove the bunches and discard the rubber bands.

Remember that the air-drying process can vary depending on the type of flower and environmental conditions. Some flowers might require more time to completely dry, especially those with thicker or more water-filled petals. Also, it’s important to consider the humidity and temperature of the environment where the flowers are drying, as this can affect the time needed to complete the process.

Therefore, it’s important to be patient and attentive throughout the entire process.

Drying Flowers by Pressing Them in a Book

Drying flowers by pressing them in a book is a popular technique for preserving our flowers and leaves. It’s a simple process that allows you to maintain the shape and color of the flowers.

Select fresh and undamaged flowers:

– Place the flowers between layers of kitchen paper or paper towels within the pages of a heavy book to absorb moisture during the drying process. Ensure they are well-distributed and not overlapping.

– Close the book and put it in a dry, ventilated place.

– Place some weight on the book to apply pressure to the flowers and speed up the drying process.

– Leave the pressed flowers in the book for a couple of weeks or more until they feel uniformly dry.

– Once the flowers are completely dry, carefully remove them from the book.

Remember that each flower might have different drying times, so it’s important to regularly check progress and adjust the drying time as needed.”

Dehydrating Flowers in the Microwave

If you need to prepare your flowers at a faster pace than air-drying or pressing them in a book, our third method for drying flowers is microwave dehydration. With this method, you can achieve dried flowers in a matter of minutes instead of weeks.

How to dry flowers in the microwave:

– Select fresh and good-quality flowers for better results in the drying process.

– Remove any excess leaves or stems from the selected flowers.

– Place the flowers on a microwave-safe plate, ensuring they are evenly distributed and not overlapping.

– Place a layer of kitchen paper or paper towels over the flowers to absorb moisture during the drying process.

– Put the plate with the flowers in the microwave and heat it in short intervals of 20-30 seconds at low power.

– Check the flowers after each interval and remove those that are completely dry. If some flowers are still damp, continue heating in short intervals until they are completely dry.

– Once the flowers are dry, let them cool completely before handling them.

NOTE: Make sure to start with a short time, like 30 seconds, as different flowers require different drying times. You’ll need to experiment several times to determine what works best for the different types of flowers you have.

Remember that microwave drying is a quick process but requires caution and control to avoid burning the flowers. Follow the recommended time and power indications and keep a watchful eye throughout the process.

Always Ensure Your Flowers Are Completely Dry

Flowers often contain a lot of moisture; in fact, their total weight is usually between 80 and 90 percent water. This means that during the flower drying process, there will be a lot of water to get rid of, so you must do everything possible to remove as much water as possible. This requires patience because if you preserve your flowers too soon, they could rot from the inside out, completely spoiling your product.

You can go a step further and apply direct heat to your flower with a heat gun or a hairdryer to eliminate the last traces of moisture, regardless of whether you’ve chosen the air-drying, book, or microwave technique. Just be careful to keep a distance from the flower to prevent burning or distortion while doing so.

NOTE: When they are completely dry, they will be very crispy. Flowers that aren’t crispy will wilt and mold in transit. (If you’re nervous about starting the drying process, you can begin by drying just a few petals to see how they’ll look when dry). Flowers that “bend” might still be dry. They should be crispy and crumble when handled, then you’ll know they are dry.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on how to dry your flowers, feel free to contact us. We’re here to assist you and ensure your flowers are preserved in the best way possible.

We appreciate your collaboration and trust in our work. We’re excited to create a beautiful piece with your dried flowers and capture their lasting charm!

Handmade jewelry inspired by Nature | Free shipping worldwide

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