Dandelion necklace yellow, Dried flower necklace, Dandelion flower necklace, Gift for mom from daughter birthday, Spring flower necklace
When you see this yellow dandelion necklace, you won’t just see a beautiful flower. Within this yellow dandelion necklace lies living nature and a lovely…
Personalized pressed flower initial necklace, Yellow dandelion resin jewelry, Personalized gift for mom birthday
Let me bring you the most beautiful creation. It is not made by me. It is made by nature. A beautiful personalized pressed flower initial…
Pressed dandelion necklace, Yellow dandelion resin necklace, Summer jewelry, Gift for mom, Floral resin jewelry, Pressed wildflower necklace
This pressed dandelion necklace, a yellow dandelion resin necklace, is part of my summer jewelry. A pressed wildflower necklace as a sample of my floral…
Real flower earrings, Terrarium earrings, Resin flower earrings, Floral earrings dangle, Birthday gift for mom garden, Dainty flower jewelry
Don’t think that these real flower earrings are just an ordinary creation My real flower earrings are not only an expression of beauty but also…
White Rose Flower Pendant Necklace, Dried Flower Jewelry
A Symbol of Purity and Innocence | by Botania Jewelry Embark on a journey of tranquility and renewal with our White Rose Flower Pendant Necklace.…
Yellow Rose Pendant Necklace – Dried Flower Resin Jewelry
Yellow Rose Pendant Necklace | by Botania Jewelry Discover the Yellow Rose Pendant Necklace, a masterpiece from our Dried Flower Resin Jewelry collection. Each piece…